This accessibility statement applies to music.quizmyday.com web site. This website is run by QuizMyDay. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it. For example, the QuizMyDay web site:
  • Allows navigating most of it using a keyboard: 'Tab' to move to the next function, 'Shift' + 'Tab' to move backwards, 'Enter' or spacebar to 'Click'.
  • Text:Background contrasts uphold the AAA standard (7:1)
  • Alt text has been added to most of the images
  • Touch areas are defined to a minimum of 44x44 Pixels as per the AAA standard
  • The content was tested and works well with NVDA screen reader
  • There is more than one way to navigate to the main pages and categories.
We've also made the website text as simple as possible to understand. We know some parts of this web application are not fully accessible:
  • Line height or spacing of text cannot be modified. Alternatively the whole page can be zoomed-in up to 200% without text overflowing.
  • Some quizzes include questions that require identifying an image or identifying an audio music bit. To exclude such quizzes from your experience, please enable the appropriate filter: 'exclude image questions' or 'exclude audio questions'. You can find these filters in the ‘Settings’ dialogue, which you can access from the top right of the top header.
If you find any problems not listed on this page or would like to share accessibility feedback, please contact us at accessibility@quizmyday.com.
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